Healthy Fruit Smoothies

Healthy Smoothie Recipes With Low Glycemic Index

Healthy smoothie recipes with a low glycemic index help keep blood sugar levels stable. The goal of healthy smoothies is to provide a delicious method for nutrient absorption, however, not at the expense of blood sugar concentrations.

Choose Healthy Smoothie Recipes With A Low Glycemic Index

healthy smoothie recipes with low glycemic index photo of model with small waist who easily burns belly fat

The glycemic index measures the rate which food breaks down into sugar in the bloodstream. Glucose provides energy to the body's cells via the bloodstream.  Certain foods are quick at increasing the level of blood glucose. These foods are considered to have a high glycemic index and can sabotage the process of energy absorption. The result causes long-term health upsets and weight management problems such as belly fat.
Why is belly fat detrimental to health?
Even if you are not considered overweight numerically, excess belly fat or visceral fat can be dangerous. This extra weight around your core can cause many health crises such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Concerning hypertension, abdominal fat may tamper with hormones that regulate the constriction of blood vessels. Diabetes can be the result of an increase of triglycerides from fatty acids in the liver and a decrease of insulin's control of blood sugar. Through achieved homeostasis with the help of healthy smoothies, hormones are kept in check. 
Lower glycemic index smoothie recipes will not generate these harmful effects. Glucose will be released at a slower rate. The pancreas and the liver are 2 such organs that would appreciate not being overburdened.
For an added measure of carbohydrates per food serving, know the glycemic load. This reflects the level of blood sugar as opposed to the the speed of the spike. Foods with a lower glycemic load won't promote raised blood sugar levels.
Glycemic load = (Glycemic Index of food  divided by 100) X Net Carbohydrates
Below is a quick reference:
Glycemic Index – Range from 0 to 100
  • 70 -100 – High glycemic index
  • 55 – 69 – Medium
  • 0 – 50 – Low and Optimal Range
Glycemic Load Scale
  • 20 and above – High Glycemic Load
  • 11 – 19 – Moderate
  • 0 – 10 – Low

Healthy Smoothie Recipes With Low Glycemic Index Example

  • 1/2 Cup Raspberries
  • 8 Strawberries 
  • 1 Celery Stalk
  • 1/4 Cup Filtered Water

healthy smoothie recipes with a low glycemic index photo of strawberries

This settling smoothie contains significant amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, manganese, copper and fiber. Aside from the nutrients, this smoothie recipe is low on both fronts of the glycemic index and the glycemic load. Celery has next to nothing in value. Raspberries are low in carbohydrates with a corresponding low glycemic index and load. Strawberries have a glycemic index of 40 and a glycemic load of 3.5.
Begin the day with healthy smoothie recipes. A diet that generates an excellent measure of blood glucose levels will promote overall health especially in the brain. For a low glycemic index value, create smoothies with fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, pears, peaches, plums and apples. Try adding celery, spinach and even broccoli for a vegetable requirement.
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Healthy Smoothie Recipes With Low Glycemic Index

Low Carb Smoothies Energize

Low carb smoothies encourage healthy blood sugar levels, nutrient absorption and weight loss. Find out how.

low carb smoothies image of lemon and cranberries

A food's macronutrients such as protein carbohydrates and fat have different concentrations of calories or units of heat energy. Protein and carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram while fats have 9 calories per gram. These nutrients are needed in greater amounts for growth, metabolic processes and protection to name a few. For example, carbohydrates are used by the body for energy.

Low Carb Smoothies As Digested

In digestion, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose which travels through the blood stream. With the help of insulin, energy is provided to organs and cells. When glucose enters the bloodstream, blood sugar levels are raised. The pancreas in turn secretes insulin. An excess of glucose is converted to glycogen. This is stored in the liver and muscles as an energy reserve in the short run. The entire process regulates blood sugar. One problem may be a constant influx of too much sugar. Extra glucose will be stored as body fat. Therefore, it is important to have healthy low carb smoothies for the body to function smoothly and not invite diabetes or obesity. 
A type of carbohydrate that the body can't digest is fiber. Therefore, fiber does not  have an effect on the level of blood glucose. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and slows down digestion. This makes one feel fuller so as not to overeat. Soluble fiber is found in grapefruit, apricots, oranges and asparagus.  Insoluble fiber cleanses the intestines and helps in elimination.  Include dark leafy green vegetables and cauliflower in low carb smoothies for the benefits of insoluble fiber. Plants are a natural source of dietary fiber. Fruits such as apples contain both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber as part of the skin.


low carb smoothies image fruit berries help blood sugar

According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines For Americans, carbohydrates should comprise some 45 to 65 percent of your caloric intake. Low carb smoothies promote good health. Filled with healthy carbohydrates and fiber, they are an excellent choice to meet the daily carbohydrate percentage without adding unnecessary calories and boosting blood sugar. The carbohydrate and sugar content of these fruits are on the lower side, while the vitamins minerals and antioxidant power soar.
Low total carbohydrate count (includes fiber)
Raspberries – 7 carbs per 1/2 cup serving
Cranberries –  6 carbs per 1/2 cup serving
Strawberries – 12 carbs per cup
Lemons – 5.5 carbs per fruit
Low to Medium total carbohydrate count
Apples – 19 grams per fruit
Apricots – 18 grams per cup
Blueberries – 10 carbs per 1/2 cup serving
Papaya – 14 carbs per cup
Peaches – 10 carbs per peach
For a boost in nutrition, add these low carbohydrate vegetables to low carb smoothies
Celery – 3.5 grams per cup
Lettuce – 1.5 grams per cup of romaine lettuce
Spinach – 1.1 grams per cup
Enjoy low carb smoothies for optimal use of energy and nutrition.
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Low Carb Smoothies

Healthy Fruit Smoothies For Weight Loss

Healthy fruit smoothies for weight loss help you to obtain your desired external appearance while achieving a balance of internal systems. Yet, be aware of toxic invaders that thwart your good intentions.

healthy fruit smoothies for weight loss image of lemon and kiwi

Initially, one must consume foods that contribute to the health of our bodies internally. If a system is not in balance, our weight loss attempts will be sabotaged from the outset. For example, the liver is part of the body's detoxification system. It produces bile to break down fats into the small intestine. The liver also filters toxins from the blood stream. These may include bacteria or damaged blood cells. When the body's detoxification systems cannot regulate fats and toxins, weight is gained. The body needs to prevent toxins from polluting the blood stream. It has to move the harmful pathogens away from internal organs. Thus, excess toxins are stored in new fat cells along with fat. We become fatter and heavier. Diets high in processed foods work against proper liver function.

No Escape From Toxins!

Further, scientific research claims that as one loses weight and fat cells are breaking down, more toxic chemicals are being released into the bloodstream. This could be detrimental to weight loss. Whether environmental, dietary or the result of metabolic processes, toxins are everywhere. The best defense is a balanced system. There exists a healthy way to lose weight and keep the body's toxins in check – the healing mechanism of fruit.

Healthy Fruit Smoothies For Weight Loss And Nutrient Absorption

healthy fruit smoothies for weight loss image of apples with quercetin

Certain fruits have the inherent potential to support the body's detoxification systems.  This is seen in their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity.

Citrus fruits facilitate detoxification and weight loss.. A classic example is the lemon. For detoxification and fat cell reduction benefits, begin the morning with a simple glass of lemon water. Lemons are a friend to the liver. They help with the flow of bile to absorb fat and get rid of waste. Liver enzyme processes for detoxification are assisted as well. Due to their chemical makeup, a lemon has the qualities of stomach acids and saliva which only enhances effective digestion.

Aside from its antioxidant capabilities, the vitamin C content of fruit is needed to metabolize fat. Current studies have shown that the proper level of Vitamin C in the body oxidizes more fat during exercise. Also, Vitamin C hinders the oxidation of cholesterol. Interesting findings of late supposes that excess fat  impedes the antioxidant and disease fighting power of Vitamin C. Hence, we need Vitamin C. Fruits that provide amazing amounts include kiwis, papayas, oranges and strawberries.

Phytonutrients such as the flavonoid quercetin and resveratrol are also powerful assistants in fat cell reduction.  They are found largely in apples and red grapes respectively.

Make  one of your healthy fruit smoothies for weight loss using a combination of the fruits previously listed. Here is a sample:

  • 1/2 Apple (skin included)
  • 1 Cup Papaya Cubes
  • 1 Kiwi
  • 8 Strawberries
  • 1/4 Cup Filtered Water

Calories: 207

Start the day with healthy fruit smoothies for weight loss. Energy levels will ascend while the number on the scales will decrease over time. Just a few servings of fruit are needed to satisfy the recommended daily allowance and to reap the health benefits of nutrient absorption and toxic elimination.  By keeping the internal systems in balance, healthy fruit smoothies for weight loss will prevail.

Learn more about healthy fruit smoothies for weight loss.

Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss

Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes Key Ingredients

Healthy Fruit Smoothies For Weight Loss

Blueberry Smoothie Recipe Benefits

With beautiful hues of blue and nutrition from nature, a blueberry smoothie recipe benefits overall health.


blueberry smoothie recipe plant image of new growth

Blueberries belong to the genus Vaccinium. The fruit  from these shrubs are filled with phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber.  In particular, phytonutrients of berries help protect the plant from invaders such as ultra-violet rays, disease and harmful bugs.

Aside from the micronutrient content of vitamins and minerals the phytonutrients of plants are said to benefit humans as well. The flavonoids known as anthocyanins are the indigo, purple and red pigments that give color to fruits such as blueberries blackberries and cranberries. Tones are determined by the pH.  These chemical compounds found in the myriad colors of fruit and vegetables are powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.

blueberry smoothie recipe image of blueberries and raspberry as antioxidants

Blueberries have an exceptional antioxidant capacity per serving.

Antioxidants help fight excess free radicals which come from the body's metabolic processes and elements of the outside environment such as the sun or pollution. These unstable molecules can damage cellular structure and DNA causing the death of healthy cells and disease.   .

A blueberry smoothie recipe also contains notable amounts of Vitamin C, K , the mineral manganese and fiber.. One cup of blueberries supplies roughly 25 percent of the daily requirements for Vitamin C and manganese.  Vitamin K satisfies 35 percent of the recommended daily allowance while the fiber content supplies 14 percent.

A Blueberry Smoothie Recipe Enhances Health

- Because of its antioxidant power, a blueberry smoothie recipe serves the cardiovascular system by protecting blood vessel structures and naturally lowering cholesterol.

- Studies have shown blueberries may improve brain function by saving nerve cells from oxidative stress and by increasing the function of neuron signals.

- The antioxidant power of Vitamin C and anthocyanins charges the immune system to fight infection and promote healing.

- The mineral manganese activates enzymes used in metabolizing carbohydrates and fats and also in absorbing vitamins. Manganese is necessary for bone health and helps with inflammation. As a component for superoxide dismutase, eating foods with manganese contributes to the antioxidant power of this enzyme.

- The Vitamin K in blueberries helps with blood clotting, bone function and inflammation reduction. It  plays a key role in the formation of the myelin sheath which covers the axon of a nerve cell. Vitamin K is needed for the synthesis of sphingolipids.

- The macronutrient fiber in blueberries works to prevent constipation and cleanses the digestive system.  

- Urinary tract infections can be healed by eating blueberries, much like the compounds found in cranberries.

- Ongoing research finds the benefits of blueberries to thwart cancer due to the ellagic acid content, also prevalent in red raspberries. Ellagic acid is said to encourage the regular death of cancer cells and to stop tumors from growing.

Native to North America, the blueberry plant offers its fruit as a healing gift. Try this blueberry smoothie recipe:

  •     1 Cup Blueberries
  • 1/2 Cup Red Raspberries
  • 1/4 Cup Cranberries
  • 1/4 Cup Filtered Water

Find more recipes like the blueberry smoothie recipe to heal and balance your internal systems look about the site.

Blueberry smoothie recipe

Smoothie Recipes For Kids

Smoothie recipes for kids are an effective way to bolster a child's nutrition requirements. Not only are healthy smoothies delicious, but studies have shown they can help with school performance, increased energy levels and disease prevention.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a poor diet can result in an energy imbalance where calories exceed physical activity. This can lead to obesity.  Also, improper eating associated with a diet high in sodium, sugar or processed foods can result in certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis later in life.

Smoothie Recipes For Kids – Teenager Nutrition Requirements

smoothie recipes for kids image of teen

While young children need only 1 serving of fruit, teenagers need approximately 3 servings of fruit and 4 servings of vegetables daily. A serving of fruit is equivalent to 1/2 a cup.  Examples of 1 cup of fruit include 1 apple, 1 large banana, 32 seedless grapes or 8 large strawberries. One serving of vegetables can be found in 2 cups of leafy greens like spinach, 1 cup  of carrots or 2 small tomatoes. 
During a stage of rapid growth and development, children need extra calories and nutrition.  The healthier the better. Many times these growth spurts occur over a period of 18 – 24 months in the teenage years.  Very active teens will need extra calories from healthy food choices which can be provided by an extra piece of fruit or vegetable serving. Also, boys between the ages of 14 to 18 need 4 servings or 2 cups of fruit.  
Create smoothie recipes for kids with fresh fruit and vegetables. Only use filtered water. Fruits in season may be more fresh. Here is a sample smoothie which can be made quickly for busy children:
  • 1 Large Banana
  • 5 Strawberries
  • 1/2 Cup Raspberries
  • 1 Cup Raw Spinach
  • 1/4 Cup Filtered Water


smoothie recipes for kids image of girl holding banana berry spinach drinkFruits and vegetables are natural sources of essential vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Some key nutrients found in this smoothie are vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights against free radicals which damage cells.  Also, this vitamin strengthens the antiviral capabilities of the immune system. Beautiful skin and wound healing are other benefits of Vitamin C. The mineral potassium is needed for the electrolyte balance of cells and helps with the function of muscles. Dietary fiber can help with regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  It also provides a feeling of fullness to stop overeating.

Begin the day with a smoothie before school. Here are some of the benefits:
  • Improved memory
  • Better absorption of nutrients in the digestive process
  • Meeting the daily fruit requirements
  • Hydration with filtered water and natural sources
  • Infection fighting properties
  • Increased energy and good mood
The results of healthy eating promote the confidence that come with feeling happy and having a positive body image.  Smoothie recipes for kids are an effective way to get necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Smoothie Recipes For Kids – Related Articles:

Always consult your doctor for specific food allergies.

Smoothie Recipes For Kids

Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes Detoxify The Body

Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes Cleanse Our Systems

healthy breakfast smoothie recipes image of fresh fruitHealthy breakfast smoothie recipes are a delicious way to help the body cleanse naturally. When creating a smoothie, include only natural ingredients and filtered water to help in detoxification. The best time for smoothies are in the morning. Studies have shown that the human body effectively rids itself of toxic elements between the early morning hours and noon. When toxins remain in the system, they cause a host of health problems such as weight gain and disease. 

The body was designed to heal itself. By including pure and natural ingredients in breakfast smoothie recipes, you are supplying the body with the proper nutrients to fight against toxins and disease. The body is trying to maintain balance or homeostasis. Poor eating choices and improper digestion can lead to toxic activity. This will disrupt the body's stabilizing efforts. The body needs to protect cells from toxins. If the immune system cannot get rid of the toxins, inflammation can occur.   The body will have to store remaining toxins away from cells.  One such storage area is in the fat cells. Ultimately this will lead to obesity.  If toxins happen to enter the cell, chemical reactions within the cell and even the DNA can be damaged. Organs and tissues will not function properly.  Diseases will take hold. 

healthy breakfast smoothie recipes image of pear for fiberFor healing and prevention, drink healthy breakfast smoothies recipes made primarily of fruit. Vegetables such as celery and lettuce can be added for extra nutrition. In the digestive process, fruit travels quickly to the small intestine and does not spend a lot of time in the stomach. The body does not use energy to digest the fruit. Instead energy is used for detoxification purposes. Also, fruit is equipped with its own digestive enzymes so the body does not have to produce enzymes to help break down food.

To further help with digestion and toxic build up, drink the smoothie on an empty stomach. According to food combining principles, when fruit is eaten after a meal with a high protein or carbohydrate content, there is a greater chance that the fruit will ferment or putrefy while waiting for the slower digesting protein meal to process. Hence, healthy breakfast smoothie recipes consumed on an empty stomach are ideal.

Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes With Citrus Fruits

Breakfast smoothie recipes made with raw fruit and vegetables contain a natural high content of water which is also important for removal of toxins. Fruit has other good qualities as well. In particular, citrus fruits and grapes help break up excess mucus which has built up  in the digestive tract. Fruits such as lemons, limes and grapefruit contain compounds known as liminoids which boost liver detoxification enzymes. By including the skin of fruit such as pears, the increased fiber content works towards flushing the colon of toxins.


healthy breakfast smoothie recipes image of grapes apple and citrus fruit


Try this smoothie as your sole breakfast meal to assist in detoxification and to provide essential nutrients. 

  • 1 Pear (include skin)
  • 1 Cup Grapes
  • 1/2 Tablespoon Fresh squeezed lemon
  • 1/2 Cup Crushed Ice

Begin the day with healthy breakfast smoothie recipes.  The properties within will help detoxify the body and effectively digest food.  The ultimate goal is the maximum absorption of nutrients from living foods to maintain balance and increase energy. 

Achieve optimal health by removing toxins.  Learn the secret of how to naturally cleanse your body. While in the process, lose a massive amount of weight and feel rejuvenated.  Look about the site to reveal.


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Banana Smoothie Recipe Boosts Energy and Digestive Health

Healthy Fruit Smoothies For A Beautiful You

Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss

Strawberry Smoothie Recipes Benefit Overall Health

Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes

Healthy Smoothies Ebook


healthy smoothies banner of fruit the secret to healing is found in nature

Healthy Smoothies Restore The Body's Natural Balance

So The Body Can Heal Itself

Imagine enjoying a healthy smoothie recipe upon awakening every morning. In the process, natural changes will be seen:

  • A sustained loss of weight

  • Youthful and glowing skin  

  • Proper pH balance

  • The immune system primed against disease.

  • Dangerous toxins flushed from the system. 


healthy smoothies orange berries image


healthy smoothies for a beautiful you ebook cover

Become lighter and filled with energy.


This ebook includes 50 healthy smoothie recipes, each one enhancing your overall wellness. Along with these healthy smoothies, over 60 pages of information is provided for weight loss, detoxing, increasing energy, having youthful, resillient skin and supporting an alkaline state of the blood.

How to make a smoothie is simple. The benefits are vast and solve many health problems. 


It's Never Been So Easy!

Get A Copy of this Ebook Today – Only $3.95

Here Is what you will learn:

  • Discover how healthy smoothies can heal and balance our internal systems through detoxification of existent invaders.

  • Learn why your seemingly healthy food choices may be counterproductive to your weight loss goals.

  • Find out how to achieve the optimal absorption of nutrients from healthy smoothies through digestive enzymes.

  • Get information on antioxidants which help keep free radicals from damaging cell structures.

  • Discover how healthy smoothies will supercharge the immune system and promote an alkaline environment in which disease cannot thrive.

  • Learn which fruits and vegetables help in collagen production and the renewal of damaged skin.

  • Know the proper food combining and timing of when to drink smoothies for effective digestion thus alleviating heartburn and acid reflux.

  • Be aware of the dangers of dehydration and the benefits of drinking water which has been filtered.

  • Learn why raw and living foods are the best selection for healthy smoothies as opposed to processed ingredients.

Healthy Smoothies Heal Our Internal Systems



Healthy Smoothies For A Beautiful You

Helpful articles:

Healthy Smoothies

Green Smoothie Recipes Are Natural Healers

Green smoothie recipes are made with natural ingredients, including fresh fruit and vegetables. These foods in their raw form have vast health benefits because they contain unrefined elements and digestive enzymes.

Green Smoothie Recipes Are Naturally Sweet

green smoothie recipes image of fresh fruit lemon kiwi and strawberry plus asparagusA smoothie made with sweeteners such as high fructose corn syrup can be harmful to your health. The body does not metabolize this food additive which is made of fructose and glucose. The fructose travels directly to the liver and triggers fat production. The glucose produces insulin spikes. Aside from weight gain, other problems associated with processed sweeteners are toxic in nature. Very high amounts of fructose are said to weaken the intestinal lining over time. Studies have shown that toxic elements such as undigested food particles and bacteria can get into the bloodstream through this compromised intestinal lining.

Consuming fresh fruit in its raw form will not only add a sweet taste to the smoothie, but will alleviate certain health issues. After enjoying green smoothie recipes, the natural sugar found in fruit, fructose, retains its chemical bonds. The body takes longer to break down these various chemical bonds thereby creating more stable blood sugar levels. Also, the fructose levels in fruit are healthy.

Green Smoothie Recipes Have Digestive Enzymes

green smoothie recipes image of enzyme rich foods pineapple and appleRaw foods such as fruits and vegetables contain digestive enzymes which are needed for effective digestion. Foods in their raw form help the body to absorb nutrients. Digestive enzymes  break down food particles into smaller molecules to be used for energy. Ingredients in green smoothie recipes need to be natural and fresh to reap these benefits.

Types of digestive enzymes include proteolytic enzymes to digest protein, lipase enzymes to digest fat and amylase enzymes for digestion of carbohydrates. Pineapples and papayas are known to contain powerful protease enzymes of bromelain and papain respectively. The avocado is a great source of lipase enzymes, while apples have a high content of amylase enzymes.

When food is processed either by adding chemicals or cooking, the structure of digestive enzymes are changed. The enzymes become dead. The pancreas has to work harder by producing digestive enzymes. Also, the immune system is affected. An increase in white blood cells are produced after eating processed food. It has been found that the body reacts to the changes in the chemistry of food after being processed or cooked.  Food is treated as an infection when there are not enough enzymes. Green smoothie recipes, being unrefined, will provide enzymes, and the body will not have to take enzymes from different areas for digestion.

A green smoothie, rich in enzymes is as follows:

  • 1 Cup Pineapple
  • 1 Medium Apple
  • 1/2 Cup Spinach
  • 1/2 Cup Ice From Filtered Water

For the best health benefits, choose green smoothie recipes as opposed to those with processed ingredients. Fruits and vegetables in their raw form contain phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes necessary for nutrient absorption and effective digestion.

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healthy smoothie recipes ebook coverTransform your health naturally with the proper combination of fresh fruit, vegetables and filtered water. 

Look about the site for more green smoothie recipes and  health information to lose weight, detox, have radiant skin and increased energy. 

Restore your body's natural balance.


Green Smoothie Recipes

Strawberry Smoothie Recipes Benefit Overall Health


strawberry smoothie recipes image of flowering strawberry plantStrawberry smoothie recipes provide a wide variety of beneficial nutrients such as Vitamin C and manganese. Strawberries belong to the Rosaceae family and have remarkable healing qualities. By including one cup of strawberries in strawberry smoothie recipes, the recommended daily allowance for Vitamin C is met.

Vitamin C, known as ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and ultimately works toward preventing cellular damage. This vitamin gives a boost to the immune system by stopping viral and bacterial invaders.  Aside from healing the body's cells and wounds, Vitamin C neutralizes toxins, repairs damaged tissue and improves skin collagen.  Vitamin C is a necessary component for a vast number of chemical reactions in the body.

A fair amount of manganese is found in strawberries. This mineral also has antioxidant properties.  Manganese is necessary to activate certain digestive enzymes and helps the body absorb nutrients such as Thiamin and Vitamin E. Specifically, manganese supports the body's conversion process of protein and fat to energy. Other benefits include helping with nerve and brain function, bone health and blood sugar regulation.

Strawberry Smoothie Recipes Phytonutrient Content

strawberry smoothie recipes fruit strawberries

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are present in the phytonutients of strawberries. These phytonutrients are plant chemicals with extensive health benefits. Phytonutrients are needed for the survival of plants against disease. This translates to humans as well. Strawberries are high in ellagic acid and flavonoids which include anthocyanins and quercetin. Anthocyanins, in particular, help protect blood vessels and the nervous system from oxidative damage. The ellagic acid in strawberries are said to fight the growth of cancer cells by inhibiting the DNA binding of some carcinogens.

Effective Strawberry Smoothie Recipes

strawberry smoothie recipes image pineapple strawberries blueberriesTo achieve optimal health benefits, drink a strawberry smoothie 3 times a week. Only use natural ingredients in strawberry smoothie recipes. Fresh fruit, vegetables and filtered water are key. A great time to enjoy strawberry smoothie recipes is upon awakening. Strawberries have a high content of water which helps one to feel fuller after consumption.  For effective nutrient absorption and detoxification benefits, drink the smoothie on an empty stomach. Natural strawberry smoothie recipes are low in calories, thus promoting weight loss.

Here is a powerful antioxidant recipe:

  • 1 Cup Strawberries
  • 1/2 Cup Blueberries
  • 1/2 Cup Pineapple Chunks
  • 1/2 Cup Filtered Water

This strawberry smoothie recipe is loaded with Vitamin C, manganese, antioxidants, phytonutrients and enzymes.  The fiber content is approximately 5 grams while the calorie count is 140.  Fiber in the diet is important for digestion and its benefits include promoting heart and colon health.  Strawberry smoothie recipes promote overall wellness.

Related Articles for strawberry smoothie recipes

Transform Your Health Naturally With Only Fruit, Vegetables and Filtered Water.

Strawberry Smoothie Recipes

Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss

Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss can heal our internal systems thus promoting increased energy and disappearing pounds. Every day upon awakening, drink a smoothie and change your life.

healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss image of orange strawberries celeryTo lose weight, the systems of the body must be in balance. The remarkable human  body is designed for self-healing, Overburdened systems will thwart weight loss efforts due to accumulation of excess toxins and insufficient absorption of nutrients. In nature, the secret for healing and weight loss are revealed.  Fresh fruit and vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients necessary for optimal health.  The combination of such has an impact on digestion, metabolism and absorption.

Phytochemicals Power Weight Loss

Healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss berries

Aside from the documented nutritional content including fiber, vitamins and minerals, healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss are filled with phytochemicals. These compounds protect plants from disease and benefit humans as well. Different advantages are seen in color. Anthocyanins are found in fruits that are red or blue such as berries. Anthocyanins of strawberries support fat-burning processes by stimulating the hormone apidonectin which interacts with leptin. Metabolism enjoys a boost, while hunger is diminished. Even at the cellular level, the anthocyanins in strawberries decrease the oxidation of fat in cell membranes that line the blood vessels.

healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss grapefruit inflammation citrus

Studies of flavonoids in citrus fruits find weight loss potential. Results of research included lower incidences of enzymes that form triglycerides, decreased fat storage from liver processes and regulation of blood sugar levels.

The chemical properties of fruit and vegetables have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities that assist the body's systems for losing pounds.

Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss and Energy Density

For weight loss success, consider fruits and vegetables that have a lower energy density, meaning they have fewer calories (or energy) than their weight in grams. To calculate the energy density divide the calories of the food per serving with the weight of the food in grams per serving.


A low energy density is determined by the high water and fiber content of the raw food.  Specifically, the water and fiber found in fresh produce allows us to experience the same level of feeling full as does a high calorie meal of unhealthy foods.  Dieters can enjoy consuming a greater amount of food with lower energy density and still lose weight. Remember to drink more water throughout the day! Perhaps with lemons.

Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss And Successful Digestion

healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss image of papaya

Another benefit of eating fresh fruit and vegetables are the digestive enzymes. These protein molecules help break down our food. A plentiful supply of digestive enzymes are found in the natural form of fruit, vegetables and grains. By eating plants in their raw form, the protein structure is kept intact and not destroyed by cooking. Examples of digestive enzymes include protease for proteins, amylase for carbohydrates and lipase for fats. Fruits such as the papaya are natural sources of enzymes. The papaya contains papain, an enzyme which specializes in breaking down larger proteins. Higher quantities of papain are present in an unripe papaya.

It is important to provide digestive enzymes from food sources, even though our bodies produce them. In time, organs such as the pancreas can become overwhelmed. Further, food that is not digested properly will effect nutrient absorption and elimination.  There is the potential for increased toxic activity in the body causing digestive discomfort and weight gain. As a defense mechanism, toxins will be stored in fat cells. Also, the immune system can be impacted. White blood cell count is affected by insufficient enzymes.

Here is one sample of healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss where the ingredients are properly combined, equipped with enzymes and have a low energy density:

  • 1 Fresh Orange
  • 8 Fresh Strawberries
  • 1/2 Cup Celery
  • 1/2 Cup Ice From Filtered Water

Notable Nutrition

  • Calories – 146
  • Fiber – 9 grams – 33%
  • Vitamin C – 300%
  • Vitamin A – 13%
  • Vitamin E – 5%
  • Vitamin K – 20%
  • Vitamin B6 – 12%
  • Thiamin – 14%
  • Folate – 27%
  • Manganese – 33%
  • Potassium – 21%
  • Calcium – 11%
  • Magnesium – 11%

Percentages based on a 2,000 calorie diet


For the best results, use raw, organic fruit and vegetables plus filtered water.  Enjoy healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss on an empty stomach.  The ingredients will provide hydration and a wealth of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals filled with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power. Maximum absorption of these nutrients is a goal for health to support the body's natural healing mechanisms. When in good health, free of unnecessary toxins and filled with nutrients, weight loss can be achieved and efforts sustained. 

Accelerate the time in reaching your goals of good health with this downward spiral of food consumption - 

  • Begin the day with a glass of water and follow with a selection from healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss.
  • Increase water and fresh vegetables throughout the day.
  • Have a percentage of protein from organic or grass fed sources. 
  • Supplement with healthy fats like those supported by avocados, olive oil and nuts.
  • Decrease carbohydrates.
  • Shy away from processed food. 
  • Smile
  • Imagine you have reached your health and energy goals, focusing on abundance not the lack thereof.

Read More About Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss


healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss ebook image


The healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss, detoxification, glowing skin and increased energy are designed for optimal digestion of nutrients and work to restore the body's natural healing mechanisms.  Just the proper combination of fruit, vegetables and filtered water are necessary to meet health goals. 

Browse about the site for more healthy smoothie recipes plus information that will dramatically change your life. Imagine becoming lighter and filled with energy.

It's Never Been So Easy.


Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss 

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